(Sorry about the quality-quick pic with my phone)
If your new to the comic world, or if you just focus on comics when you’re
in the comic shop, you are probably new to Diamond Distribution. If you’re not, you most likely know, that
they are practically the sole distributor to almost all the Comic Shops across
the United States. They also have a strong international presence, however I’m
quite frankly not sure if they are as strong in those markets as they are in
the United States. Simply put, if you
want to mass market your comic and get as many stores carrying your product you
will be dealing with Diamond.
While I’m not normally for monopolies, from what I’ve seen and heard
Diamond, may be the exception rather than the rule; I have seem them be very quick,
efficient, and most interestingly to comic retailers fairly understanding and compassionate
(Not something I typically see attributed to big business). I have heard some standing complaints; they
typically use an in store POS (Point of Sale) system and occasionally I’ve
heard some retails gripe about some of the details, but the fact that they even
provide the POS (as to my understanding)
is great in the first place. I have discovered something I don't like which I'll get into near the end. In
short I really like Diamond and that’s how I want to proceed, and it's not like I really have a choice anyway. There are a few other distributors out there, and I’ll try to list them in a
Now I’ve brought up some information on Diamond before, Day 13
specifically if you want to go back and look at that one (which is about
funding) , but never gone into much detail. So here we go. I’ll try to go through some
basic terminology that you’ll need to know as well. Such as
Vendor. This is what Diamond is
going to consider you if you’re putting out a comic. The comic book stores that
sell your product are resellers or retailers.
So the first thing you’ll want to do is spend some time here: http://vendor.diamondcomics.com/public/default.asp?t=1&m=1&c=2&s=244&ai=29178
Which is Diamonds Product Life Cycle. Read this till your eyes bleed,
as you’ll need to get familiar with this.
One of the more important parts is the Product time line, which shows
(on average) the time from your submissions package to when you finally get
paid. In this case 6 months.
One of the things that we’ll and I mean WE have to research is the
Terms of Sale. This is more or less how much we are selling to them, they are
buying and then reselling for. To be
honest, some of this doesn’t entirely make sense to me YET. As the comic gets back on track and I get
closer to getting it completed, I’ll post my findings on things like their
Net30 terms, discounts, and the like.
One of the other things, as long time readers know, will be looking up
on how Diamond markets our product. I
personally don’t have the cash to do a one pager. Period.
Getting the samples made to send Diamond, and then put it a short run (
I have revised the figures from previous.
Realistically I’m looking at only selling around 400-500 if I’m lucky,
unless I have a snazzy plan. . . which I do, but more on that later). Diamonds marketing information can be found
Markekting and Promotion through Diamond:
As for other distributors, there used to be a cool one called Haven (http://www.havendistro.com/) however at the time I write this, I think they may have gone under. Check in once in awhile, see if they're back up if you're making a comic. Some other options: http://www.lastgasp.com/,
Finally popgun chaos wrote an interesting article on Distribution a few years ago, that you may want to read. It has some good points against Diamond, and how the monopoly effect the comic industry: http://www.popgunchaos.com/2010/11/29/the-direct-market-of-comic-book-distribution/
and while I said I like Diamond, which I do, I do have a few problems with them. For instance while writing this post I discovered that you now need to put in 2,500 units in sales or they may pull your book, meaning really only the big two (well 4 really) will be able to easily get on this. I may be given inncorrect info however, so we'll see when I start really dealing with them. As soon as I know I'll let you guys know.
Well folks I hope that helps. I
am getting back on track, despite not working one but TWO Post Production PA
jobs at the same time. Oh, and my disgusting 'horder'* neighbor moved
out so the Roaches that were starving in her place decided to try to find food
in mine. So that was fun. Anyway upward and onward. . .wow, that was
cheezy. Hows about, “be excellent to
each other”.
I gotta tell you – distribution doesn't interest me as much as cool dinosaur pictures. WHICH YOU PROVIDED FTW! I hope he has speech-to-text functionality, cuz those arms are not going to be much use.